Many different cartoon characters are extremely popular with children, from Dora the Explorer, to Spongebob Squarepants, to classic Disney characters. These games, usually geared for younger children, often help them to learn different skills. The Dora the Explorer board game, for example, allows the players to race along the board by spinning the map and moving the appropriate number of spaces. During the trek, each player will need to solve different puzzles and avoid running into Swiper the Fox. A number of different puzzles are available throughout the game and each time a game is played, the players can experience a different set of challenges. Along the way, opportunities are even given for players to learn a few different terms in Spanish, enriching their vocabulary!
Spongebob Squarepants features prominently with a number of different board games. Not only does this eccentric character feature in board games of original design, where players can race along a board that helps teach children the differences between colors, shapes, and and other forms of critical thinking, but he is featured in special versions of classic games that are already well loved. Spongebob editions of both Monopoly and Operation can be discovered, giving players a fun twist when it comes to game play.
Disney characters are another widely spread example of cartoon characters that can be found in a variety of board games. Both the iconic Disney Princesses can be found as well as some of the most beloved heroes, in a variety of formats. Disney Princesses can be found having editions in everything from Dominoes to Memory card games, Monopoly Junior editions to their own specialized DVD board games. Scene It, the popular DVD game featuring different trivia aspects about movie clips, has both a special Disney character edition as well as a Super Pack addition. Both Sorry and Trivial Pursuit feature editions which focus exclusively on Disney characters, giving everyone a large opportunity to experience a board gaming adventure with their favorite Disney Princesses, Heroes, and Villains.
Board games with cartoon characters are not solely focused on children, however. There are a few cartoons in media more themed for adults, such as The Simpsons or Family Guy, and both of these shows have a number of board games attributed to them. Both games have editions of Monopoly available as well as different trivia game formats available. Cartoon characters are often a classic part of pop culture and this can be easily seen through the availability in which they are present in other forms of media and merchandise, especially with board games. Any character which can be featured in a board game has proven their staying power in the constantly changing arena of modern culture.